Thursday, January 16, 2014

Back at the Daily Grind

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we have doubles preparing ourselves for our upcoming meets this weekend. These practices have been a mixture of just swimming, abs and core, dryland, and lifting. Last night we had challenging sets that wrapped up are hard training before our meets. This morning some of the girls lifted while the rest did dryland upstairs in Rogers. Hopefully this afternoon we will be given a break to give our bodies a chance to get ready and swim fast this weekend! We first swim AT Mansfield Friday at 1 p.m. This meet will feature only 100's of each stroke. Our meet Saturday will be our first HOME meet since October!! We are hosting Kutztown at 1 p.m. It will be a good meet against a team our same size! We are anxiously awaiting the lineups for both meets! We hope to see our favorite Haven Fans supporting us this weekend.

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