Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kristin Taylor

From Dillsburg, PA and is the daughter of Rob Taylor and Patty Taylor. Kristin majored in Accounting, Business, Marketing, Economics and Finance. Her favorite events are 200 fly and 400 IM. Kristin’s most memorable swim was at CAL U her freshmen year when she time trialed the 200 fly by herself and she hit her first PSAC cut. Her favorite practice were 8 broken 1000’s in California last year and any time that she partner cools down with me! (We finally got that flip-turn down). Kristin’s favorite thing at LHU are all of the friends that she has made throughout the years that have turned into part of her family. Also the island and lane 6! Her advice to next year’s seniors: as Andy said, it takes a special person to swim for 4 years. Work hard and don’t give up. It’s definitely worth it in the end. Push through the pain and tears. And keep rocking the island. In 10 years Kristin sees herself married and starting a family. Maybe being a stay at home mom if she’s lucky. If not she wants to be doing something in finance or a CPA.

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