Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kayla Schnars

From Bellefonte, PA and is the daughter of Mark and Jody Schnars. Kayla majored in Health Science and her favorite events are the 100 and 200 backstroke. Her most memorable swim was her first ever college swim meet. Kayla was swimming the 200 back and she stopped after 150 yards and heard her whole team screaming GOO. Kayla also remembers swimming the 100 back at IUP 5 different times trying to make it to PSACs but she finally made it at CAL U! Her favorite practice is any practice that involves backstroke since as most you know Kayla is much better at backstroke then freestyle. She also loves any practice that involves social kicking. Kayla’s favorite things at LHU are the friendships that she has made over the past four years. As well as the newly found nanobites cafĂ© at east campus; she says they have the best Panini’s she has ever had as well as the chips with honey mustard. Mmmm delicious. Her advice to the seniors for next year would be to live in the moment and to not take anything for granted because before you know it you will be getting ready to graduate. Have fun, do things you never thought you could do. Be hopeful for what is to come in the future and never look back. In 10 years Kayla sees herself married to the love of her life working as a nurse in a well-known children’s hospital.

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