Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kaitlyn Druby

From Palmyra, PA and is the daughter of Richard and Mary Ellen. Kaitlyn majored in Psychology. Her favorite event is 100 breast. Kaitlyn’s most memorable swim would be her sophomore year when a girl from ESU and her swam every event together and Kaitlyn out touched her in every event. After the meet she told her that Kaitlyn was the first person to ever push her to her fullest potential. Kaitlyn’s favorite practice isn’t necessarily her favorite one but it is one that she won’t ever forget. Freshmen year on training trip, Ciara and Kaitlyn were swimming a set and they weren’t too happy and one of the sets consisted of at least 4 kicks of breaststroke before they could come up for a breath. Well Kaitlyn and Ciara weren’t really feeling all of the kicks and so Kaitlyn only took 3 kicks and when she got to the other end of the pool she could hear Andy scream from 7 lanes away screaming her name and said that the practice said 4 kicks. Not anything less and that she better not do it again. Ciara heard this and started laughing and said sucks for you and with that Andy yelled you think that’s funny Conklin well you can do 6 kicks! Needless to say the two of them have never valued breathing as much as they did after that practice. Even today Kaitlyn won’t come up until she has done all of the kicks she has been asked to do because of that practice coming back to haunt her. Kaitlyn’s favorite thing at LHU is definitely the regatta she loves all the food, games, and of course the scrambler ride! Her advice to the seniors of next year is that is obviously it is going to suck at times and that you’ll want to cry, scream, and even quit. But just remember the girls by your side who have been with you from the beginning and then the thought of quitting won’t even exist. Enjoy it and live it up because it goes by in the blink of an eye. Kaitlyn sees herself with a job that she loves and a family with lots of kids running around 10 years from now.

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